Yebo has an open call to all artists in Swaziland who would like to participate in their 36th art exhibition called Independence which will be at Sharma House in February 2018 in partnership with Royal Villas.
Please read the guidelines below
• Exhibition Title: Independence –

“Independence has always been inextricably linked to pride, autonomy and solidarity. In the context of Swaziland’s celebrations, independence refers to the achievement of a country to govern itself. We, as a nation, are about to celebrate 50 years of independence, of pride, of autonomy and solidarity.
But, celebrations aside, are we not leveraged though by global economic, political, cultural and religious pressures? Has Independence brought about the end of colonial control or forced it to mutate? What are the differences between dependence, independence and interdependence? We invite artists to explore these thoughts in their own creative way.”
• Proposals will be judged on the basis of overall quality and originality.
• Artists are to create new work that has not been previously exhibited
• Work can be in any medium: painting/photography/sculpture/installation etc
• Work can be in any size.
• Send your written concept by email to armstrongaleta@gmail.com. If you have not exhibited with Yebo before then please add some pictures of your previous work. Pictures are to be in a jpeg format not exceeding 1 MB.
• Deadline for your proposal submissions is by the 30th of November 2017
• If your concept is accepted then your work for the exhibition is to be submitted by the 15th of February 2018.

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