12/11/12 – Yebo ArtReach Exhibition Opens

The new exhibition opening at Yebo Gallery is a fundraising exhibition for the ArtReach pilot project at the Swaziland High School for the Deaf.

The opening on Saturday 10th November was a great success. The deaf students were able to attend the exhibition thanks to transport sponsorship from the US Embassy of Swaziland. They spent the entire afternoon at the gallery, and were joined by sponsors of the project, friends and members of the public, who all came to view the artwork and lend their support.

The exhibition will be up for just over 2 weeks, with all proceeds from the sales going towards purchasing more art material for the school!

Read about press coverage from the exhibition Online. View the exhibited work here.

Speeches at the exhibition were made by Dane Armstrong (ArtReach Director), Craig Cloud (US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission), Zodwa Thwala (School Principal) & Noncedo Tsakasile (Deaf Student).

This is truly an inspiring event and I am so pleased to be here representing the U.S. Embassy in Swaziland.  We are proud to be a sponsor of this very special project, carried out by Yebo!ArtReach, in partnership with the School for the Deaf.  In our eyes, there is no better example of art giving a voice to the voiceless and we could not be happier with the result you see around you today.

When the Yebo!Artreach team approached the Embassy about this project, we knew immediately we wanted to be a part of it.  We have partnered with Aleta, Peter and Dane Armstrong on projects in the past and the result has always been outstanding.   They have a deep commitment to supporting artists and the expansion and development of art in Swaziland and we knew they would bring that same passion to this project for the students at the School for the Deaf.

During the project, a team from the Embassy visited the school to see the artists in action with the students.  They came back both impressed and inspired.  While the artists did not speak sign language, they managed to communicate with ease with the students through art.  The students responded by creating the incredible pieces you see around you.  The potential that was within these students was awoken by Yebo!ArtReach.

The Embassy team was also impressed by the dedication and commitment of the teachers at the school, who are working hard to make sure the students receive the education they deserve.  We hope that art will continue to be a part of that education going forward.

Everyone, no matter who they are, needs a chance to have their voice heard, whether that voice is heard through the spoken word or sign language, art or music, dance or poetry.  As you see here today, art can be a powerful tool for self-expression.   We would like to thank Yebo!ArtReach for allowing these students to have their voices heard through art.  We hope that all those coming to the exhibit are as inspired as we are at the U.S. Embassy and that this is the first of many such projects in Swaziland.

Congratulations to both the student artists and the dedicated artists of Yebo!ArtReach!

Opening Remarks of the Yebo! ArtReach School for the Deaf Art Exhibit, November 10th, 2012
by Craig Cloud, US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission

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