16/04/14 – Livi laBomake Art Exhibitions a Big Success!

Livi continues!1 The Livi laBomake, Women’s Voices project has been an amazing journey, and a great success for everyone involved. Yebo Art Gallery has had direct involvement throughout the course of the entire project.

ArtReach is immensely grateful to the American Embassy for funding this “new” project in Swaziland, and for seeing the value and worth in pursuing creative projects, especially from the point of view of gender issues.

We would like to thank everyone involved in the project – the facilitators Aleta Armstrong, Sunshine Nxumalo, Annabel Morgan and Bonisile Nxumalo, as well as the project assistants Amanda Kaura, Nokhutula Thabede and Dumsile Mkhonta. All the participants and partnering organisations, particularly COSPE, Vusumnotfo, and Swaziland Young Women’s Network.

We would like to thank the National Museum, Swaziland National Library Service and Mayiwane Church for hosting the various exhibitions free of charge for us, allowing ArtReach to showcase the amazing work from the exhibition to a much bigger audience around the country.

As of the end of the last exhibition, over 40 pieces of art have been sold, generating over SZL 20,000! Of this, 80% goes directly to the artists, with the remainder going to project funds for continuation of art classes. Some of the remaining artwork is already being reserved, and we are hoping that we will sell out all of the work!

Some of the women have continued their artwork for themselves, as well as starting their own groups in their communities or organisations. It is our hope to continue to support them as best we can, and continue with further workshops, as well as seek funding to create an Art Book with all of the artwork, photography and poetry from the project.

Shosholoza! Below are pictures from all of the exhibitions, as well as all the artwork that was on display.

Artwork & Photography

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Mbabane Exhibition

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Siteki & Mayiwane Exhibitions

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Lobamba Exhibition

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