Opening of Eswatini NOW a success!

Opening of Eswatini NOW a success!

Hundreds of art lovers braved the freezing weather on Saturday to attend the opening of the Eswatini NOW art exhibition in Mbabane. There were art performances by modern dance artist Seipati Jonga, musician and artist Ralph Smit and conceptual artist Khulekani Msweli as well. Visitors were all impressed with the old warehouse venue, finding it to be perfect for an alternative art exhibition! Thirty artists are presenting diverse works on the theme of “ artists exploring their own vision of Swaziland opening our eyes to alternative realities”. There are paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures and installations.
Yebo Art Gallery’s Curator Aleta Armstrong “ We are all very pleased with the turn out for the opening and loving the positive feedback about this interesting venue and show. I’d like to thank the thirty artists who participated in the exhibition, their work is thought provoking and wonderful. Also pleased with the sales of selected works and looking forward to more during the week as it is important to support our talented artists. The exhibition is open every day this week, ends on Sunday the 28th at 5pm. There will be other art performances again this Saturday at noon. We invite the public to come view this amazing exhibition, it’s the last one Yebo will be having in Eswatini for a while as our focus for 2019 will be on international markets and the Joburg Art Fair.”

Venue is a warehouse on Zwide Street in Mbabane, around the corner from The Theatre Club, opposite CTA. Free Entry! Open 10 am to 5 pm.

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