3/3/12 – Yebo Art Talks Begin!

Yebo has begun have monthly art talks free to the public! The talks will focus on the current exhibitions at Yebo art gallery, but will include general art information as well as tours.

The first talk was done by Khulekani Msweli, who gave a general overview of art through the ages. He said afterwards” It was rather an ambitious project to try and condense all that information into a hour! When actually you would need a thousand hours. In the following talks I will be focusing on very specific areas.”

The visitors enjoyed interacting with the artist on exhibition, Aleta Armstrong, and hearing why and how she created her work. Aleta explained her Rumi painting ” I was so inspired by one line from a poem by Rumi – I took a huge canvas and started creating my first abstract painting. It was like being in a trance as I just went with colours and shapes that were inspiring me and had no idea what I was actually creating. It took a day and when I finally stood back and looked at the work I realised I had captured the emotion that was within me.”

The next art talk will be on Saturday 31st of March at 2 pm. The talks are free and guests are advised to book and arrive on time as the gallery only seats a maximum of 40. Khulekani Msweli will talkon South African printmakers from 1970 – 94  and Peter Armstrong will discuss the late Austin Hlezas work that will be exhibited at Yebo from the 18.3 to 1.4.2012.

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