A sculptor with a quirky sense of humour and design! – Bhekani Dlamini

Bhekani Dlamini – A sculptor with a quirky sense of humour and design!


I was born in 1976 and live in Kwaluseni. I used to make reed chairs to earn a living and then I attended Indlu Finlandia design school where I learnt to do paper mache and how to create designs. After that I worked on many projects with Yebo Art Gallery. I was part of an exhibition in Finland called Cultural (ex)Change. My work was also selected by Art In Galleries for the US Embassy in Ezulwini. I work with paper mache and can create large sculptures with it , which at a distance look like stone. I also create sculptors from cement so that they can be outside in your garden. Designing lamps, bowls, crazy chairs and home décor is also something I enjoy doing. I am opening my workshop and shop at Malindza soon!


Bhekani’s work can be found at www.yeboswaziland.com which features 35 past exhibitions, and also viewed at Yebo Art Gallery in Ezulwini. Yebo also has a library for artists, offers free advice for up and coming artists and has an art material shop.


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