Eswatini’s greatest ceramic artist – Austin Hleza

Austin Hleza – Eswatini’s greatest ceramic artist

The late Austin Hleza (1949 -1997) is one of Eswatini’s most famous artists and his legacy lives on. From his earliest years Austin broke with tradition , first by becoming a potter (traditionally a female role) and later by developing new art forms within the local cultural context. He received formal training at the Danish Pottery Development Centre and afterwards took over pottery production at Mantenga Craft. He shared his skills by lecturing at the National Handicrafts Training Centre. His period at Mantenga allowed him the freedom for artistic development and he experimented with clay pottery sculpture. For years he operated out of an old Volkswagen kombi which was his studio. Later he produced lino cuts or rural and urban life. In later years he moved to Ngwenya where he continued producing his superb range of sculptures, pottery and lino cuts. Austin exhibited locally and internationally. His work is in galleries and private collections all around the world.


A book on Austin Hleza’s work is available at Yebo Art Gallery at 90-. Published by Kamhlaba Publications and Alliance Francaise du Swaziland. Concept by Rolf Huysmans and photography by Bob Forrester.


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