OLD NEWS 2011-2012 – Yebo has moved!

December 2011

Yebo has relocated to Guava Gallery in the Mantenga area of Ezulwini Valley. The reasons for this were due to noise, land and construction concerns at the previous venue. We are excited at the breath of fresh air that this will bring, and are ready to continue making inroads into the Swazi contemporary art scene. Guava Gallery is a lovely place nestled in the green and picturesque Mantenga valley, boasting an excellent restaurant, locally designed and handmade jewellery range, and stunning views.

The art gallery is already up and running with the new show titled Landscapes, and a new exhibition calendar for 2012 will be finalised by the end of the year. The shop space has also expanded and is now located inside the gallery, while the workshop and training equipment and areas are currently undergoing renovations before they are up and running again in the new space. We will also be building an outdoor terrace next to the gallery to create a meeting space for both artists and visitors.

Annual Report

Yebo has hired two consultants, Jaap Koster and Khulekani Msweli, to research and write an extensive report on Yebo and the current state of affairs of the contemporary art scene in Swaziland.

Click to download and read the report here!

Yebo in the Media!

Yebo artists are currently featured in the online sections of South Africa’s cutting edge Mail & Guardian newspaper. Please go find out more about Khulekani Msweli, Ray Berman and Mesuli Mamba! There is also a synopsis on the various art galleries in Swaziland, of which Yebo features strongly. A full article on the contemporary art scene in Swaziland will follow in the coming weeks, and will also be available for viewing online.

Yebo ArtReach

Yebo is currently working on a project outline and proposal to begin an Art & Creativity Outreach Program for youth groups in Swaziland for the coming year. By providing a platform for expression and learning through creativity and the arts, the project aims to address the growing issues faced by youth in Swaziland, and to initiate a sustained, pragmatic and simple way of introducing various concepts and methods of creativity and artistic mediums. Stay tuned…

Artist Meetings

In January Yebo will begin hosting quarterly “Artist Meetings”. These will be used to discuss various topics, and for all artistic stakeholders in Swaziland to give feedback, comments or ideas about the situation in the country concerning contemporary art and the creative economy. Sporadic informal meetings will also continue at Yebo as they always have.

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