01/02/14 Yebo Exhibition at MTN Bushfire Festival – “Swaziland Now”

Yebo! will be exhibiting at the 2014 MTN Bushfire Festival of the Arts! Our annual exhibition called Swaziland Now will be showcased in The Barn – an interactive space at the festival, and will be an open invitation exhibition for all visual artists in Swaziland.

Open call for all artists in Swaziland!


“An exhibition of artists exploring their own current vision of Swaziland and opening visitors eyes to alternative realities”

All local artists are encouraged to submit proposals to Yebo! Art Gallery.

Yebo Art Gallery will be curating and managing the exhibition of contemporary art titled “Swaziland NOW!” The exhibition will be housed in The Barn at MTN BUSHFIRE 2014. There is the additional opportunity of creating large-scale installations and sculptural/spatial works in and around the festival grounds.

If you are an artist in Swaziland, then Bring Your Fire to MTN BUSHFIRE 2014! Rules & Guidelines:

  • Proposals will be judged on the basis of overall quality and originality.
  • Artists are to create new work that has not been previously exhibited
  • Work can be in any medium; painting/photography/sculpture/installation etc
  • Work can be in any size.
  • Send photos of past work, and/or current proposal by email to aleta@realnet.co.sz . Pictures in a jpeg format not exceeding 1 MB. You can also visit Yebo on Saturdays between 9 – 5 and bring work with.Bushfire Logo badge
  • Deadline for proposal submissions is 25th of March.
  • Deadline for submitted work is 17th of May.
  • The exhibition will be from Fri 30th May – Sun 1st June at MTN Bushfire 2014
  • The work will also feature online in Yebo’s website gallery.
  • Artists are to deliver their work to Yebo and to collect unsold work afterwards.

Yebo: www.yeboswaziland.com / www.facebook.com/yeboartreach / +268 2416 2984


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