05/01/14 – Benetton Imago Mundi Project – 44 Swazi Artists participate!

Imago Mundi LogoAn Italian curator, Enrico Mascelloni, visited Swaziland recently on behalf of Luciano Benetton’s Foundation. Imago Mundi is a collection comprising over a thousand works of art commissioned and collected by Luciano Benetton on his travels around the world: established and emerging artists from many different countries are engaged on a voluntary basis and without financial reward, to create an artwork whose only limitation is the 10x12cm format. The collection, hosted by the Fondazione Benetton, has no commercial aspirations, but intends instead to unite the diversities of our world in the name of a common artistic experience, catalogued very differently from the approach usually seen in museums or on the market.

“Imago Mundi is a cultural, democratic and global project that looks to the new frontiers of art – personalities, countries, emerging languages and different cultures – to foster openness towards the world and new horizons, and the coexistence of expressive diversity”, explains Luciano Benetton. “Our aim is to take the collection on a journey, in order to show it – through exhibitions, catalogues and a portal on the web dedicated to art – to the widest possible number of people around the world, in collaboration with private institutions and public museums.”

Yebo Art Gallery assisted Enrico Mascelloni in this project. Yebo Imago Mundi1The Director, Aleta Armstrong said in an interview “ We arranged for Enrico to meet artists and talk to them about the project and also to visit some of their studios. Over 65 local artists; painters, photographers, graphic designers, sculptors etc were contacted by us and asked to participate. At the end 44 artists submitted work and this has now all been sent to Italy. Being part of an international art collection is a wonderful opportunity for us artists in Swaziland! A book on contemporary art in Swaziland and Lesotho will be published next year by the Foundation and all these canvases will feature in it. Their work will also be online on Imago Mundi’s website.”

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