A Ceramic Artist – Sicelo Masuku

I was born in Siteki and grew up in Lusoti village in Simunye, but now I’m a resident of Nkhaba. My journey as a ceramist (potter) began in 2006 when I left Eswatini to pursue a career as an engineer in South Africa. My grandfather, mentor and master in the ceramic industry is called Meshack Lambelele Masuku. I would hang around his ceramic studio and listen to his lectures and watch him as he did his magic. I then started working along side him doing some studio jobs. I joined a group of students who would come for daily sessions and I was so privileged to have a lot of time with him at his studio in Kenton On Sea, Lusiba Ceramics. From the group of ten students only myself and another persevered and learned all the production skills. I focused on the production and design and developed a love of clay and ceramic art inspired by my progress and watching Meshack’s success in the ceramic industry.


Meshack, a born Swazi, started ceramics at Mantenga and left for South Africa in 1978. He worked as a freelancer around SA and eventually joined the Nelson Mandela Municipality for polishing his Arts. He later became a lecturer at the same university. After spending six years with him learning he gave me his blessing to explore and see the world of ceramic art and how the industry operates. I worked for a few like M.U.D Studio in Ladybrand, Marvin Geres Ceramics in Cape Town, Luju Ceramics in Swaziland and my work was exhibited in numerous shows.


I have now returned to Eswatini  to continue my family’s legacy and to grow the ceramic industry here. I wish to grow my studio and train young people in the same skills I have learned. I  approached Yebo Art & Design  and discussed my vision and they wished to be part of this. I thank Monique Wilson for networking us. I am now working on the first Ceramic Art Exhibition in Eswatini, with Pete Armstrong doing some works too. I have created an exciting range of functional yet beautiful ceramic products ranging from large platters and unique animal tea pots to mugs, espresso cups and bowls. I invite you all to come to the exhibition!


Ceramic Art Exhibition- featuring work by Sicelo Masuku & Pete Armstrong. Opening is on Saturday the 15th of September from 10 am to 4pm. There will be a talk on the history of clay and pottery in Eswatini from traditional use and methods to current designs. The talk is at 11.30 am. Entrance to exhibition and talks is Free.

The exhibition continues until Saturday the 29th of September. Venue is at Yebo Art Gallery on Mpumalanga Road in Ezulwini.

The exhibition is open Mon – Fri from 9 – 5pm , Sat 22nd closed , Saturday 29th from 10 – 4 pm with a repeat of the talk at 11.30 am.


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