A Passionate Artist Inspired by Woman’s Rights – Phindile Mamba

Phindile Mamba – a passionate artist inspired by women’s rights!


“ I’m a forty year old single mother with three children and live in Mbabane. At school I loved to draw all the time! When I finished high school I did a nine month course at the National Handcraft Training centre where I learned further skills. But it was difficult to know how to continue afterwards as I didn’t have enough money. To earn income I crocheted bags made from plastic bags in order to support my family but life was a struggle. In 2014 I was selected to participate in the Livi laBomake – Womens’ Voices project run by Yebo ArtReach and sponsored by the US Embassy. That’s where my dreams came true! My mentor, artist Aleta Armstrong taught me all about painting and I had the opportunity to be part of the big art exhibition that toured the country. I sold all my work which was great. I was also inspired by the power and stories of the other women who took part in this. In 2015 I was one of the local artists selected by Art in Embassies and one of my works hangs at the new US Embassy which was a great honour.


Most of my paintings are about women, I see them struggling and living a  very painful life. Women are abused because they don’t have the power to fight and this touches me deeply and shows in many of my paintings. I also explore happier topics as some women do live a happy life with their families. I also explore the ideas that women can do everything a man does and have the power. People in Eswatini must start trusting women and giving them respect and power. But women must also make themselves powerful!


My work now sells very well which has made a big difference in my life. I am now working on some new paintings as there are none left at Yebo gallery, my last three paintings were sent to a customer in Los Angeles! I am also part of a team of artists who work with ArtReach, a non-profit organisation that runs creative projects around the country. I’ve learned to paint murals which is enjoyable and brings happiness to communities. Art is my life now and I love painting as it makes me feel free.”



Phindile’s wonderful work can be viewed online at www.yeboswaziland.com  and at www.facebook.com/yebodesigns  You can also view her work at Yebo Art Gallery in Ezulwini and at their gallery shop at Swazi Candles Centre in Malkerns.


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