An extroverted creative! – Nonzwakazi Dlamini

Nonzwakazi Dlamini – an extroverted creative!

I was born in Kwaluseni and was raised under a powerful woman, who has inspired me to become the businesswoman I am today.  I attended Kwaluseni Central Primary School and Swazi National High School. During my high school years, I studied fashion design and later studied art at Wilson Pretoria, Indlu Finlandia, and Yebo Art & Design. I have been involved in many creative projects and have worked with Mananga College, World Vision, Bantfwana, Matsapha Town board, the United States Embassy, MTN Bushfire, and the Swaziland National Museum. Yearly, I participate in Eswatini’s cultural events (Umhlanga, Incwala, and the Marula Festival) where I sell my many art pieces and also am involved in selling through the International Trade Fair in Sandton, South Africa.


I am inspired to create art, because it allows me to tell stories and to express my feelings in interesting ways. One of my favourite creative projects was the Livi laBomake – Women’s Voices project. I met many women that have been oppressed and were scared to speak out about their experiences. It was life changing to be able to translate that oppression into paintings and artwork and to help  women speak for themselves.


I am a member of the non-profit, Yebo ArtReach, through which I recently earned a certificate in Creative Facilitation. At ArtReach, I have helped teach several art-based workshops and work directly with Swazi youth alongside other local artists. I love working with kids, because they are so interesting! When I am working with the youth, I find my inner-child comes out. This makes kids more comfortable opening up and more able to learn.

My role models are my mother and local artist and business owner, Aleta Armstrong. These two strong women have given me so much advice and have encouraged me to keep pushing until I reach my destiny.


You can view Nonzwakazi’s work online at and at Yebo Art Gallery on Mpumalanga Road in Ezulwini.

Artists will find a free resource library and advice at the gallery, art materials also available. Follow on 

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