Exhibition #3 – Creative Freedom of Expression

14.5 – 19.6 2011

Featuring 52 new and exciting works from 18 different artists.

In collaboration with the Bushfire Festival & Swaziland Design Week

This is Yebo's third exhibition and features a mixture of both established and up and coming artists from around Swaziland. The intent behind the theme is to get people thinking out of the box and pushing their creative envelopes during these times of uncertainty.

Yebo is delighted to be part of Bushfire Festival and the Swaziland Design Week and its amazing efforts to kick-start and promote the growth of creativity and the arts in Swaziland, as well as highlighting the existing talent in the country. Yebo will also participate at the Handcraft Fashion Show at Bushfire and have a stall during the entire festival.

The winner of Yebo's Art Competition (which invited all young artists between 18-26 to submit a piece of work) is Donald Stewart. Donald's work will be exhibited on this current show, and he will be promoted on the Yebo website and receive a E600 voucher for arts materials of his choice.

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