Exhibition #5 – ASTER AF-RU-KA

3rd – 17th September 2011

ASTER AF-RU-KA explores the links between Swazi & other African Cultures through indigenous and ancient astromythology. These images are all set against the backdrop of the Swazi Nature Calendar and are designed by local Artist Sue Dowding and embroidered by 3 rural Swazi women; Phindile Gwebu, Ellen Dlamini and Bonsile Mdzebele.

The ancient peoples of the Earth were the world’s first astronomers. Unlike their modern counterpart, they lived in the open under the night sky and were able to look up at the canopy of stars above. They saw that by identifying stars and their movements, they could mark the passing of time, seasons and availability of food. These ancient practices and ways of passing on cultural values are being lost as people become more removed from nature and indigenous customs.

ASTER AF-RU-KA celebrates this valuable knowledge and is part of a wider cultural conservation project by Sue Dowding which aims to revive interest in African Culture, Star lore and Mythology by tracing its origins through a beautifully illustrated publication (due for release in early 2012) and a series of exhibitions.



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