The philosophical experimental artist – Mesuli Mamba

Mesuli Mamba- The philosophical experimental artist


“Art makes me happy, while working on a piece I just go with the flow and the end result is always way beyond anything I could have planned. Watching a work ‘create’ itself, using you as the medium is a feeling that a chef who uses intuition as a measuring instrument would understand well. I feel most alive when creating, sometimes I think I see the final work in my mind before I start work, forget it, then I start ‘remembering’ it in portions as I work. We all create our world daily, not just us creatives. Art helps me deal with the fullness of life, the good and the unwanted, the pain, the triumphs, the real and the illusions. Art drew me to it so I ended up choosing it. I fell in love with paintings and illustrations I came across in books and magazines from the family library. Having intellectual parents meant that I was always exposed to a lot of teachers I’ve never met. School wasn’t particularly exciting as a result. That’s my educational background. I do recall Mrs Makama, Mrs Magagula,  Mrs Dlamini D, Mr Wescot, Mrs Selappa, Mrs Walwema, Mrs Earnshaw, Mr Shongwe, Mr Mavuso,Mr Sibandze and The Honorable Justice Mabuza who read every word on every script and could decipher even the strangest handwriting. Music plays a huge role in my creative process , most times the sounds come out of speakers but occasionally the song in your head is enough. Rhythm, harmony, interpretation, improvisation etc are elements I revere. The basis of my philosophy on life is summed up in a piece of advice that Bob Marley gave his children ,You don’t need friends, you have your brothers and your sisters, that’s all you need, don’t ever think you need friends. Tracy Chapman says we’re wasting time in unemployment lines or waiting on promotions, she suggests a personal revolution. I have to agree.”


You can view Mesuli’s work online at and at Yebo Art Gallery on Mpumalanga Road in Ezulwini.

Artists will find a free resource library and advice at the gallery, art materials also available.


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