Lighten Your Burden Campaign: Breaking Down Barriers to Mental Health Book Launch

The Lighten Your Burden Campaign, an initiative spearheaded by Phumelela Project, Yebo Art Gallery, and Antidote Culture Foundation—has officially launched. Championed by Mr. Ferdinand Von Habsburg-Lothringen from the UN and funded by the British High Commission, this groundbreaking campaign aims to create impactful mental health interventions that raise awareness, and inspire dialogue.

Mental health issues affect individuals of all backgrounds, yet stigma and misconceptions often prevent people from seeking help. The Lighten Your Burden Campaign seeks to change this narrative by providing meaningful interventions that encourage individuals to open up, speak out, and seek support.

At the heart of the campaign are three key components:

1. Information Booklet: The campaign kicks off with the release of an informative booklet available in both English and siSwati. Written by Katrin Lehmann-Kunene and the Phumelela Project team, with editorial support from Siphilele Magagula of the Antidote Culture Foundation and Aleta Armstrong of Yebo Art Gallery, this booklet covers a wide range of mental health topics, including understanding mental health, trauma, anxiety, stress, suicide, substance abuse, and depression. It also provides self-help tips, journaling exercises, and information on mental health resources in Eswatini. With diverse illustrations created by Aleta Armstrong, the booklet strives to be inclusive and representative of the entire community, recognizing that mental health impacts individuals from all walks of life. 10,000 copies of the booklet (5,000 in english, 5,000 in siSwati) will be distributed countrywide.

2. Podcast Series: The Antidote Culture Foundation will be producing a podcast series featuring educational and entertaining interviews with Swati creatives. Through these interviews, the series chronicles the careers, experiences and journeys of local artists, including their struggles and how they overcame them. From discussing the toll of performance on mental well-being to highlighting the isolation experienced by dreamers, and their ways of coping, the podcast aims to spark important conversations and break down barriers surrounding mental health.

3. Countrywide Activations: Phumelela Project will implement regional activations across Eswatini to raise awareness on mental health. These activations will reach diverse demographics, including individuals from urban and rural areas, students, youth, and the elderly. The interactive nature of these activations aims to encourage dialogue, raise awareness, and provide assistance for those who are struggling. Additionally, guests from the art scene may be invited to participate, as a way to encourage people to open up and lighten their burdens, even briefly.

The Lighten Your Burden Campaign is more than just a series of initiatives—it’s a movement towards a more compassionate and supportive society where mental health is prioritized and celebrated. Join us in breaking down barriers to mental health and empowering individuals to seek the help they need. This is only the beginning, we need support from all stakeholders to be able to scale up interventions and reach more people in meaningful and sustainable ways.

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